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Passing confidence, waiting in the wings, accelerating the development of "Dual circulation" - Tiger Head’s new products made their debut at the 130th Canton Fair

Oct 15th is the opening day of the 130th Canton Fair. This Canton Fair is a landmark international trade event held in a special international environment. It marks the full resumption of work an

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Faced with the sluggish international shipping supply chain, Tiger Head Battery Group assists the construction of guangzhou international shipping center

Under the situation that the COVID-19 epidemic deeply affects international shipping, various unfavorable factors such as the shortage of shipping space and containers, skyrocketing

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Tiger Head’s Newly High-Speed Battery Production Line - AA/R6 Battery Production Line Officially Passed The Acceptance And Put Into Production

July 28th, the production department, engineering department, technology department, quality supervision department, and other functional departments of Tiger Head Battery Group CO

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Opening of the 129th Online Canton Fair helps our company's foreign trade innovation and development

April 15th, it’s the opening day of the 129th Canton Fair, and it’s also the day of the new Chinese company name unveiling ceremony of Tiger Head Battery Group CO,. ltd. And our

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Striving for the goal and achieving a wonderful start

The spring spreads good news and everything is full of vitality. In 2021, our company will focus on the annual strategic deployment of "focusing on the main business for breakthroughs, create new

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Significant achievements in China-Africa trade, Tiger Head Battery reported by Xinhua News Agency

Recently, the Xinhua News Agency reported on our company's performance at the Canton Fair in New Data Shows China's Economic Momentum is Stable and Sustainable. It can be said that it fully af

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Seize the opportunity of "Online Canton Fair" Innovation empowers new marketing

—— the 128th "Canton Fair" opened up successfully   On October 15, the 128th Canton Fair is being held online and started the 10-day "Journey of the Canton Fair on&

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Elaborate Training to Create a "New Force" Passed Down from Generation to Generation--Tiger Head Company New Employee Induction and Training

In this enthusiastic July, in order to welcome 28 new colleagues, Tiger Head company launched a series of new employee induction activities. In the morning of July 9th, at the new employee ind

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"Online Canton Fair" Embarks on a New Development Journey, Seizes New Development Opportunities under the Epidemic-News Media Publicizes and Reports on Tiger Head Company

Under the test of the epidemic, Tiger Head Company seized new development opportunities, stepped up on the "cloud", and handed in a satisfactory "answer sheet" in this year's &

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