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Significant achievements in China-Africa trade, Tiger Head Battery reported by Xinhua News Agency

2020-10-26 00:00:00

Recently, the Xinhua News Agency reported on our company's performance at the Canton Fair in New Data Shows China's Economic Momentum is Stable and Sustainable. It can be said that it fully affirmed our company's high-quality development in China-Africa trade. At the same time, Xinhuanet, Guangzhou Daily, Nanfang Daily and Canton Fair WeChat News and other media have reported on our company.

Xinhua News Agency reported on our company's deeds (Photo source: screenshot of Xinhua News Agency article)
On October 19th, in order to fully demonstrate the bridge built by the Canton Fair for China-Africa trade and show the good development trend and broad prospects of China-Africa trade, the Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government held a press conference on China-Africa trade exchanges amongst Canton Fair. In this regard, our company was actively invited to participate in the meeting, represented by the company's deputy general manager Alex Zhou. At the meeting, Alex Zhou shared the story of Tiger Head Battery becoming popular across the Red Sea in Africa, and introduced our company’s innovative marketing ideas during the special period of the global epidemic, focusing on “letting profit and ensuring share, expanding and ensuring scale, promoting growth through differentiated marketing, and expanding digital marketing” and other measures to stabilize sales and promote development. From January to September this year, the export volume of high-performance alkaline batteries increased by 7.68% against the trend. Among them, the Congolese alkaline battery increased by 103.98% against the trend year-on-year. What is more gratifying is the successful development of new markets such as South Sudan and Liberia. At the same time, Alex Zhou said that as a national brand, our company adheres to the concept of a community with a shared future for China and Africa, insists on innovative development, and strives to continuously provide the core sales area of ​​the African market with products of excellent quality, stable performance, safe and environmentally friendly.
The 128th Canton Fair is in full swing on the Internet. Our company made concerted efforts to fully learn from the experience of the previous "127th Canton Fair", carefully arranged the booth live room, constantly adjusted and optimized the live broadcast script, and actively participated in the live broadcast of the Canton Fair exhibitors. During the live broadcast of the Canton Fair, our company not only focused on opening up new markets and new customers, but also eagerly invited old customers to watch our live broadcast, actively established closer contacts, and actively introduced and promoted our latest product Tiger Head Lithium Rechargeable battery. We will increase efforts to promote batteries and automotive lithium iron start-stop batteries to overseas markets.

China and Africa, two ancient civilizations with splendid histories, and two areas of development with rising hopes, are separated by thousands of miles, but their destiny is connected. In the context of building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future and the 128th Canton Fair, as the core market of TigerHead Company in Africa, Our company will seize the dual opportunities of "China-Africa Strategic Cooperation" and "128th Canton Fair", with the two well-known brands of TigerHead and 555 as the link, relying on the TigerHead Power Innovation Research Institute and the 300-acre industrial park base, increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, and innovate more high-quality electric light source products to meet the needs of African consumers, actively use new channels and new technologies to promote the development of corporate digital brand marketing, open up the African market, and expand into new situations.

Deputy General Manager Alex Zhou attended the China-Africa Trade Exchange Press Conference of the Canton Fair (Photo source: Guangzhou Daily)

The company’s deputy general manager Alex Zhou made a speech at the meeting (photo source: Guangzhou Daily)
(Related media reports and forwarding:
Xinhua News Agency: "New data show that China's economic momentum is stable and sustainable" https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1681070056120282434&wfr=spider&for=pc;
Xinhuanet: "Innovative foreign trade companies "dance in the cloud" at the Canton Fair" http://m.xinhuanet.com/gd/2020-10/20/c_1126633221.htm;
Guangzhou Daily: "Canton Fair China-Africa Trade Exchange Press Conference Explores Post-epidemic Opportunities: Digital Economy, Manufacturing Upgrade" https://www.gzdaily.cn/amucsite/pad/index.html#/detail/1400181?site4&columnID=0 ;
Nanfang Daily (Nanfang News Media Group Southern+): "30 live broadcast rooms and 17 VR exhibition halls, Guangzhou Light Industry Group participated in the "Yunguangjiao" to activate new momentum" https://new.qq.com/omn/20201020/ 20201020A097OH00.html;
Canton Fair WeChat News: "Canton Fair Story│Hutou Group: Canton Fair Helps Enterprises Go Global" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FauctJslH2ssPWHyw_M-7g;
New Flower City: "Canton Fair China-Africa Trade Exchange Press Conference Explores Post-epidemic Opportunities: Digital Economy, Manufacturing Upgrade" https://huacheng.gz-cmc.com/pages/2020/10/19/aebdaaed8cc14ed3979ae4edc4923555.html?vTime= 26720793;
tiger head car battery

We provide car battery, solar battery, motorcycle battery, alkaline battery and other products. If you are interested in this, please contact us for more information.