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Elaborate Training to Create a "New Force" Passed Down from Generation to Generation--Tiger Head Company New Employee Induction and Training

2020-07-20 00:00:00

In this enthusiastic July, in order to welcome 28 new colleagues, Tiger Head company launched a series of new employee induction activities.

In the morning of July 9th, at the new employee induction ceremony, Tiger Head Company expressed a warm welcome to the new employees, and then emphasized the entry points to the new employees and guided them to fill in the entry information, and follow the entry process and answer the questions of new employees.
In the afternoon, Tiger Head Company organized a meeting to briefly introduce the company’s basic situation and rules and regulations to new employees, emphasized the requirements for attendance management and other aspects, and took the job rotation briefing as an opportunity to let college graduates and mentors know each other. This mechanism deepen the understanding of college graduates and mentors on the objectives and requirements of job rotation to ensure that job rotation training create better results.

On July 10, Tiger Head Company launched new employee training activities. At the opening ceremony in the morning, Jian Weiyi, deputy secretary of the party committee, vice chairman and general manager, gave a wonderful speech. In addition to warmly welcoming new colleagues, she also put forward ardent hopes and requirements to new colleagues, hoping that they will be clear with learning attitude, change roles, apply what you have learned, and persevere the things you do. The new employees have lived up to expectations. Their self-introductions have their own styles. They are also capable of literary and military skills, singing and dancing, fully demonstrating the youth and vitality of the new employees. In the ice-breaking activity, new employees form teams to participate in training games, feel the strength of the team, and further enhance the cohesion of the team. In the afternoon, the human resources department introduced the company's human resources management system to the employees, and the engineering department provided safety training for new employees. So far, the training activities of the day were successfully concluded.
Team training photo