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Correct replacement tips for Car Battery

2020-12-24 00:00:00

Generally, the service life of a Car Battery is 2-3 years, and the original Car Battery of a new car can basically be used for more than 3 years. Therefore, if the Car Battery has been used for almost two years, it should be noted that its service life may have expired. At this time, you should check a lot, and then do a good job of testing in advance, if the problem is found, solve the problem as soon as possible or replace the battery, to avoid the loss caused by the sudden failure of the Car Battery during use.

● Car Battery knowledge you know or don’t know

In the Car Battery maintenance process, there are some knowledge and matters that need to be paid attention to during normal use. For example, Car Battery does not need to be deliberately maintained, it only needs to develop some good car usage habits.

1. Pay more attention to inspection when using Car Battery for more than two years

Generally, the service life of a Car Battery is 2-3 years. The original Car Battery of a new car can basically be used for more than 3 years, but this does not mean that the battery will have problems after three years. Therefore, if the Car Battery has been used for almost two years, then It should be noted that its service life may be about to end. At this time, you should check more, do a good job of testing in advance, and solve the problem as soon as possible or replace it, so as to avoid the sudden failure of the Car Battery during use.
car battery
2. What should I pay attention to after replacing the Car Battery?

The new Car Battery may have insufficient power. Now, including some new cars, the original Car Battery power may not be 100%. So after replacing a new Car Battery, or after buying a new car, you need to let the engine run for a longer time to ensure that the Car Battery can be fully charged.

3. Will the car battery be damaged if the vehicle is not driven for a long time?

Because the Car Battery will self-discharge, if the vehicle is not used for a long time, it may cause the Car Battery to run out of power, and eventually fail to start the vehicle or damage the Car Battery. If the vehicle is not used for a long time, it is better to keep the habit of restarting every 15 days regularly and let the engine run for about 20 minutes each time, so that the Car Battery is fully charged again and remains active.

● These bad car usage habits will damage the Car Battery

Although the service life of a general car battery can reach 2-3 years, some car owners will damage the car battery in advance due to some bad car usage habits, and thus have to replace it, so we must also develop well in normal times. The following are some of the more common bad car habits:

1. Get off the car and forget to turn off the lights or on-board electrical equipment

In the past, it was most common to forget to turn off the headlights after the car was turned off. This would cause the car battery to run out the next day and the car would not start. However, with the optimization of automobile products, there will be a sound prompt if the headlights are not turned off after the flame is turned off, or some vehicles will automatically turn off the headlights within half a minute after the flame is turned off, which can reduce the damage to the Car Battery caused by forgetting to turn off the headlights.

However, in addition to the headlights, other lights such as the reading lights in the car or other electrical equipment in the car if you forget to turn it off after the car is turned off, it may cause the Car Battery to lose power and fail to start the car after a night. In this case, you can generally try to charge the Car Battery until you can start the car. Otherwise, you may need to replace the Car Battery. Instead of spending a lot of money to replace the Car Battery, it is better to develop a good habit of using the car.

2. Do not turn off the air conditioner before turning off the vehicle

Many people are not used to turning off the air conditioner before turning off the vehicle. Then the next time the vehicle is turned on, the air conditioner will be turned on at the same time as the car starts. This is because the air conditioner is not turned off before turning off the vehicle. When the engine is started, it is easy to cause the vehicle's instantaneous power to be too high, which will cause the Car Battery to be overloaded, and it will be a loss to the Car Battery repeatedly for a long time. Therefore, before turning off the engine, we should try to turn off the electrical equipment such as air conditioners and radios in the car, so that the next time the car is started, the instantaneous load of the car battery will not be excessive, so that the car battery can be protected.